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Testimonies of Healing

Our little son was taken ill with...

From the January 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Our little son was taken ill with fever. He was under the doctor's care and took a lot of medicine, but when the fever left him a sore came on his neck, and his chin drew down so that he could not raise his head or turn it. He would fall when he tried to walk, was cross-eyed, and deformed like a hunchback—only the hunch was in front and the spine curved in. We moved from northern Oklahoma to Texas in a covered wagon, and talked with many physicians on the way. Each one had a different cause for the disease and each a different remedy. As a last resort we were told to put the child in a brace, as it was the only thing that would straighten him.

We stopped at Caddo, Oklahoma, and put up at the wagon yard. The man who kept the yard said our son could be cured without medicine, and told us of a Christian Science practitioner. We took our little boy down to the hotel and talked with this lady and she gave a treatment. She later visited us and talked with us, and invited us to the Sunday services the next day in the parlor of the hotel. We at first thought we could not go, as our clothes were not good enough, but she said that was all right, so we took our three children and brother. We liked the Lesson-Sermon very much. The practitioner visited us again in the afternoon and we took the child down for another treatment. We were given some copies of the Sentinel and told not to fear, that everything would be all right. Our little boy did not fall again but kept getting better. In a few weeks he was as straight as the other children and running and playing with them. It has been three years since he was healed, and he is fat and healthy.

We praise God for this great blessing. To us there is nothing under the sun so great as Christian Science. —

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