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Testimonies of Healing

At the time Christian Science came...

From the February 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

At the time Christian Science came into my life I was considered hopelessly ill, and had been under the doctor's care for about a year and a half. The trouble had been diagnosed as organic disease of the heart, and while it had been noticeably present for some years, I had paid but slight attention to it until forced to do so by a rapid decline in health and strength. At the end of about eighteen months of constant attention by the physicians, my condition was so much worse, although every attention and kindness was given me by the doctors, that the outlook was hopeless. I was forced to give up my work and despaired of ever being able to take it up again.

At this point Christian Science came into my life, and after the first treatment I went back to work. Although six years have elapsed, I have never since been absent one day on account of sickness. I was greatly relieved after the first treatment, but the healing was not complete for some months. During this time, however, the healing efficacy of Christian Science was being proved, as many other ailments, which I considered of less importance than the heart trouble, were overcome. These included stomach disorder, a painful spinal dislocation, poor circulation, a severe nervous condition, and partial deafness. I have also been able to lay aside glasses, which had been worn for thirteen years and which the oculist said would have to be worn all my life. The statement was made that my sight would continue to grow worse, and would necessitate the constant change to stronger lenses. The use of glasses was discontinued about two weeks after my first visit to the practitioner, and although my eyes have been put to very severe tests, as my work calls for constant reading in all conditions of light and often far into the night, I have not had to resort to them since.

Christian Science has healed me mentally and morally as well as physically, and has taken out of my life the habit of using intoxicating liquors and tobacco. It has brought me peace where was discord and confusion, health has replaced sickness, joy and gladness have come to me where ill-humor and unhappiness reigned, and I rejoice that the putting off of the old man and the putting on of the new is going on daily in my life.

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