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Testimonies of Healing

Hoping sincerely that this testimony...

From the February 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Hoping sincerely that this testimony may help some mother in distress I wish to tell of the wonderful healing of my little boy, three years ago, of what was diagnosed as a tubercular spot on the brain close to the spine. In the spring of 1914 he was a healthy, well-grown child of five years, but as summer came on he gradually developed violent headaches, accompanied by sickness and fits of extreme giddiness. He lost flesh and strength to such an extent that, becoming seriously alarmed, I decided to bring him to Victoria, British Columbia, to consult a noted doctor. All that doctors and nurses could do was done, but the boy grew worse, and in two or three weeks had become as helpless as a baby of six months, losing the use of his hands and being unable to stand or even sit up. The doctor held consultations with others and all decided the case was hopeless, that he might live six weeks or possibly two months. I could not believe my child was to be taken from me, and any mother will understand the state of misery and despair I was in.

When a friend suggested Christian Science treatment I grasped at it and went to see a practitioner, full of hope and fear, but mostly fear, since Christian Science was only a name to me and one which, I regret to say, in my ignorance I often had laughed at. Never can I forget the help given me by that kind practitioner who undertook the case, and the healing of my son which soon followed. I could write for hours on the wonder of his complete recovery, and of the peace and strength that were given me from the time of my first interview, enabling me to do all that was necessary through many trying nights and days until he was out of danger, which was within three weeks. The first week absent treatment was given, and though he apparently grew weaker and the symptoms continued to be very alarming, he showed great mental improvement almost at once. During the next two weeks the practitioner came three times to see him, at the same time lovingly continuing daily treatments, and in a little over three weeks from the day treatment was begun, he was able to walk and most anxious to use his hands in every way. The doctor had told me he must not use hands or feet for some months, and with this fear in my mind I let him walk very little, for some time wheeling him in a cart, but I now feel this was quite unnecessary.

Since then we have received many benefits from Christian Science, both mental and physical. Recently, through absent treatment, my son was healed in three days of a severe attack of measles. My own progress in Christian Science has been slow, but I am thankful that its teaching has broadened my outlook on life, made me a happier and healthier woman, and given me a religion which I can understand and turn to for help at all times. My thanks and gratitude are sincere and deep for all that has been done for me, and I have the respect and reverence for Mrs. Eddy which is due her for all she has done for mankind.—

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