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Testimonies of Healing

The many testimonies in our periodicals...

From the February 1919 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The many testimonies in our periodicals prove conclusively the great value to the world of our Leader's discovery and of her many years of labor so to establish its teachings that the world would never lose them. Happily for me I was one of the early beneficiaries of Christian Science, having been healed in the spring of 1886, and my desire now is to testify to its enduring effects. At that time my health was such that the family physician said only an operation would save me from permanent invalidism. So convinced was he as to my condition that about two years after my healing through Christian Science he remarked to a friend that I thought I was healed, but he knew that what ailed me could not be cured without an operation and I would surely return to him some day. Fortunately for me this was a false prophecy, for I have neither consulted a doctor nor taken a dose of medicine since. Many times I have been ill,—once quite seriously, —and trials and perplexities have many times been met and overcome, but Christian Science has been my physician and comforter.

After class instruction the daily study of the textbooks, the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," was begun and these books are now more inspiring than ever before. The Bible is a constant guide instead of interesting Hebrew literature, as it once was. These results, the physical healing and the opening up of the Bible, fill my life with gratitude to Mrs. Eddy for her unselfish work. For the privilege of class instruction, for membership in The Mother Church and a branch church, for Mrs. Eddy's writings and our periodicals, I can only express my deep gratitude by constantly using them and profiting thereby.—

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