For over eight years Christian Science has been the only physician in our home. Before that I had been for five years going from one doctor to another, and from one remedy to another, and finding only temporary relief. During this time I went through two operations, and as a result my mind was filled with pictures of these things, together with an awful fear. Gradually, through help from practitioners and my own study, Christian Science has removed the fear, and also thoughts of hatred, resentment, self-pity, and sorrow which were poisoning me, and as a result the body has been healed.
When I had been reading Christian Science literature about eight months, we moved to a place where we were fifty miles from a practitioner. One Friday I was holding a bottle of a chemical containing sulphuric acid when the cork flew out and some of the acid went into one of my eyes, burning it so that I could only see the outline of the different things around me. This occurred about half past ten in the morning, and when my husband returned at noon, my eye and nose were very much inflamed. He asked what the trouble was and it was necessary for me to tell him. Then he wanted to take the chemical to a doctor to find out what could be done, but I would not let him have it. In the afternoon, as soon as possible, I went over to a neighbor who is also a Christian Scientist, and asked her to help me, with the result that at about three o'clock, while looking through the Hymnal, I discovered that I could read as well as ever, and by Sunday morning the inflammation had all disappeared.
My little daughter was very ill with what is called yellow jaundice in the winter of 1910, and as I seemed unable to help her, I called for a practitioner. She came and in fifteen minutes the child was healed, so that she went to school the next day, although her skin did not regain its natural color for several days. The same treatment healed me of the effects of an operation for appendicitis which I had undergone three years previously.