The healings I have experienced since taking up the study of Christian Science more than eleven years ago are so many and varied that it would take too much space to enumerate them. Fears have been overcome, protection has been realized at the time of accidents, and while the healing of a severe stomach trouble for which I sought Christian Science was long delayed, it came just as soon as I was willing to let God's will be done. Humbly and gratefully do I acknowledge the power of divine Love revealed in Christian Science.
For the benefit of those who like myself have been born and schooled in Germany, the following healing is recounted. Always entertaining a high regard for The Christian Science Monitor and having had proof of the reliability of its news, I yet experienced a most unlooked for reluctance to accept its published accounts of the various countries, especially those concerning Germany, at the outbreak of hostilities. A vague sense of hiding this from myself did not restore my former confidence in the paper. This attitude continued for many months, until the time came when according to my opinion the reports in the Monitor were such that though I was conscientiously mistaken, I disagreed with it.
The knowledge, however, that Mrs. Eddy instituted the Monitor "to injure no man, but to bless all mankind" (Miscellany, p. 353), and the desire to be an obedient follower of our revered Leader, prompted a sincere effort to lay aside all preconceived notions, irrespective of early training, beliefs, and so on, and to adhere to divine Principle for guidance. The result was a gradual unfoldment of truth in consciousness. Gone were doubt and distrust. I perceived in some measure the healing work that this international newspaper is engaged in, by uncovering the hidden snares of intrigue instigated by the most remorseless operation of the human mind and parading itself in so-called righteous and efficient vestures.