Four years ago amid the darkness of belief in tubercular disease and a complication of other troubles, a beam of light came to me with the assurance that an understanding of God and of man in His image and likeness would dispel the darkness, and new hope was brought into my life. Slowly,—beginning with the healing of my eyes, a healing entirely unlooked for,—my condition improved as a result of Christian Science treatment, and in 1917 I passed the physical examination for the regular army. During fourteen months of service there were many proofs of God's loving care. On one occasion by realizing that "underneath are the everlasting arms," the pilot and I came through an aeroplane accident unharmed.
I am very grateful for these demonstrations, both to Mrs. Eddy for giving us Christian Science and to the practitioners who have lovingly shown me the way out of darkness into the sunshine of health and peace, which all those, who love and obey the divine will, enjoy.—Ellsworth, Maine.