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[Written for the Journal]


From the April 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Into the garden's sun and scent
I steal from a darkened room;
I see a butterfly alight and sip
From the cup of a rosy bloom.

The beauty of its wings of white
And markings of faintest gray,
Brings to my burdened heart a sense
Of beauty and harmony.

As it flutters into the sunshine gay,
A dainty sprite it seems;
Freer than other mortal thing
From the weight of earthy dreams.

Yet it crept a little while ago
Laboriously on the ground;
In a closely woven cell it slept,
A prisoner, self-bound.

This chrysalis state is the darkened thought
Which binds us prisoners of pain,
But the knowledge of God is the garden fair
Where we spread our wings again.

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