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Testimonies of Healing

I wish to express my gratitude for...

From the April 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science healing. When the so-called influenza was at its climax in the South, I arrived in a southern city, where I heard talk of this disease on every side, with the result that it manifested itself in a severe form; in fact, I was stricken down within four hours after my arrival and was obliged to seek a friend's home and go to bed. That afternoon a Christian Science practitioner was called, and in twenty-four hours I was healed. The day following being Wednesday, I attended the testimony meeting, feeling as well as ever.

Another healing I wish to mention is that of heart disease. On being pronounced unfit for military service on account of this trouble, I telephoned to a Christian Science practitioner and told her about it, saying I was going to the chief surgeon. She said, "All right, go right along." I walked four blocks to his office, and in thirty minutes after the first examination I underwent a second and was pronounced in first-class condition.

I am most grateful for the daily help received through Christian Science. I have been marvelously saved in accidents, and have had many minor physical healings. I have found God an ever present help, and as He has helped me so He will help others.—

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