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From the April 1920 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Throughout the Bible man and his achievements have so predominated that the human mind is prone to lose sight of the fact that "male and female created he them." A question pertinent to this hour may well be asked: What part has woman played in Israel's history?

Woman has performed a most important work in the emancipation and redemption of mankind. It is but just, therefore, to point out this fact and to elucidate it. First of all, let us inquire into those qualities possessed by all deliverers in common. They include high courage, obedience to the light of Truth, and an intense, unselfish love. Whoever possesses these attributes helps to deliver mankind from some form of bondage, to the extent of his or her measure of these qualities. Each and every one is, according to his spiritual understanding, a deliverer and way-shower. With this fact in thought we shall select a few women from the Bible and endeavor to substantiate our claim of their right to be called deliverers. Let Moses' mother, Jochebed, head our list.

First of all, Jochebed showed herself to be a woman of courage. She feared not to defy the law of Pharaoh which decreed that all Hebrew male infants be cast into the river. When Jochebed saw that Moses "was a goodly child," the Scripture records that "she had him three months." During those three months she undoubtedly sought the Lord unceasingly, asking for light and guidance. And her prayers were answered. The Bible says that "she took for him an ark." In the Glossary of Science and Health (p. 581) Mrs. Eddy defines ark, in part, as "safety; the idea, or reflection, of Truth." The light that had come to Jochebed had revealed to her that Moses was safe with God, that He would encompass the child with ideas of protection. When the revelation of God's wisdom came to her, she did not fear to obey the demands of Truth, to trust the little one upon the water; for she knew that God cared for him.

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