I have very great reason to be grateful to Christian Science for the wonderful help and guidance I have received through its teaching. For the past several years it has met my every need. I came seeking this truth not for physical healing, but for a better understanding of God and of the Bible; and now I know that "he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."
My first healing was that of a tooth. The root and gum had become badly diseased, so the dentist told me; and after several examinations he said he did not know what to do with it, and put me off for a month. Then I decided to try Christian Science. I left his office one Friday, went home, and called for help in Science immediately; and when I went back on Monday, much to the dentist's astonishment the tooth was entirely healed. He knew what I had done, and said to me, "Only God could have healed it." Since then my healings have been numerous. Divine Mind has been my only physician, and I have found God to be "a very present help in trouble."
I am grateful that my little son is learning how to apply Christian Science to his various needs. He too has had many healings. Influenza, measles, colds, and many other ills have been quickly healed, proving to us that the word of God is living and active. I consider it a great privilege that he can attend a Christian Science Sunday School. He is taught many beautiful truths there; and I am thankful that I am a teacher in that Sunday school.