In gratitude for the great help that I have received in reading of the many healings published in our periodicals, I take great pleasure in adding to these testimonies.
In my youth I had what in the old fashioned way were called chills and fever, the chills returning at regular intervals and causing great suffering. Moving to the North I was relieved of this condition for a time, but later the symptoms all began to return. At this time I had become interested in Christian Science; and with the help of a member of my family (the treatment continuing about three weeks) the clouds of darkness suddenly disappeared, and the healing was complete.
This occurred a number of years ago, and I have never had any return of this trouble. At another time, while teaching, a condition of great mental confusion and depression appeared. I asked for help from a Christian Science practitioner and that very afternoon the whole condition lifted as a curtain. I was instantly and completely healed.