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Testimonies of Healing

So many times I have wanted to...

From the April 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So many times I have wanted to give my testimony in gratitude for all the good I have received during the past years through the study of Christian Science. It would be quite impossible to tell of all the many proofs I have had of God's goodness. Several years before coming into Christian Science I had been in a constant state of wretchedness and ill health, with a number of physical disorders and a mental state bordering on melancholia, until it seemed to me that existence was made up of discord, perplexity, aimlessness, and endless disappointments; in fact, I could see nothing but miserable failure in everything, and life was not worth living. I tried to keep up an interest in God and the Bible, but could not.

I did not regain my interest in the Bible until I had read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. I can never forget that first reading of the Christian Science textbook. It would be impossible to describe it. My progress seems to have been slow and gradual, although I have had some instantaneous healings of malignant troubles. Our way to salvation does not always lie through easy paths. I am conscious of being on the threshold of a large task, but the outlook on life can never be what it was before this day-star first appeared to me; even the darkest hours have not been without light and hope.

The Bible, once so vague and also neglected, has become a daily companion,—a new and treasured book of Life, interpreted by the truth as taught in Christian Science; and in the measure of my understanding, it does begin to glow with a deep and beautiful meaning throughout its whole chain of progressive revelation. Seeing that, ultimately, there is nothing but Truth worth living for, its seekers begin to wish for better and higher things than formerly. I have written this acknowledgment in gratitude to God and to His messenger, Mrs. Eddy, through whom Christian Science has come to the world.—

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