About eight years ago I was taken ill with inflammatory rheumatism. For three weeks I was not able to move unless some one helped me. Our family doctor did all he could, but I still grew worse. I suffered greatly. I would pray the dear Lord to help me and make me well, as I had my baby girl and an invalid mother to care for, as well as the rest of the family. A sister wrote me about Christian Science and what it had done for her. She asked me to try it. The doctor had said it would be several months before I would be able to walk again, and that even then I would. have trouble. My husband found a Christian Science practitioner, who came to see me. After one treatment the pain left. This was in the evening. The next morning I was able to walk into the next room; and from that time all pain was gone. In a week's time I was doing my housework for a family of eight. Since then Christian Science has been our only help.
We are all very thankful that Christian Science came into our home, not only for the help in sickness, but for the beautiful lessons it has taught us of the God who is Love. My prayer is that I may understand its teachings so that I may reflect this love, that others may also see and understand.
I am so thankful for the Christian Science Sunday School, where our children may learn about the true life, as taught by Jesus.— Anaheim, Calif.