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[Written for the Journal]


From the June 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

My life is filled with joy supreme,
As day by day I know
That all true peace and happiness
From heavenly sources flow.
And now no more the threatening clouds
Are filled with fear and dread;
But break in blessings infinite
On my protected head.

My cruse of oil is always full,
As the great truth I learn,
That if Love's blessing I would share,
This blessing I must earn.
And as more lovingly I give
From out my present store,
I open channels limitless,
And find the increase more.

My days are filled with love complete,
As I perceive God's plan
Of Love, reflecting love again
In universe and man.
And if my brother should offend,
By word or deed unkind,
In loving, glad forgiveness, I
A great contentment find.

I know my cup will overflow,
With plenty, peace, and health,
If I but live for service true,
O' ercoming mortal self.
And as more earnestly I strive
And thus attain this end,
The seamless garment is restored,
Of healing Truth again.

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