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From the June 1924 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THERE are times in human experience when one seems tried almost beyond the limits of endurance. When these occur, the alert student of Christian Science spends no time in giving way to resentment, or fretfully questioning the justice of the experience, but turns for relief to the sure balm for all his ills to be found in the Bible, the leaves of which tree are "for the healing of the nations," and in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," which God has given us in this age through Mary Baker Eddy. Consecrated study of these books will most surely reveal the supposititious cause of our troubles, and show us how to overcome them.

There is much in the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis which will help any one who seems to be a victim of unfortunate experiences; and if the narrative is thoughtfully pondered, together with the definition of "Joseph" in Science and Health (p. 589), one will soon get rid of resentful thoughts, and feel spurred to higher endeavor. By one who has been greatly helped by a quiet study of the story in question, the following thoughts are humbly offered.

Joseph, the favorite of a Hebrew father, incurs the jealousy of his half brothers, and then, through a sense of duty to his father's interests, arouses their anger and vengeance. They watch their opportunity, tear off his valuable coat, the gift of his and their father, cast him into a pit, and, after a time, pull him out again and sell him as a slave to some merchants who are going to Egypt. Metaphysically considered, these half brothers typify the beliefs of the carnal mind,—jealousy, fear, hatred.

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