I came into Christian Science at a very dark hour, after I had been pronounced tubercular by five physicians, and advised either to go West or else "make the most of my time." I had asthma very badly, and was unable to lie down at night without the aid of an opiate. My outlook was gloomy, when a loved one asked me to try Christian Science. I did not have three dollars with which to buy the Christian Science textbook at that time; so she gave me the money, but insisted that I should purchase the book myself, which I did. I began to read and study the book; and after many struggles I was enabled to do things which I had not done before in years. Still, I did not realize my healing until months later, when a friend told me that I looked better than I had ever looked before; and then it dawned upon me that I was healed—no longer tubercular; that I was a blessed child of God, well and free.
Christian Science has made many changes in my life. It has settled the question of Christ Jesus for me. My mother was a Baptist and my father a Jew, and my thought concerning Christ Jesus was therefore considerably confused. Our textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, has corrected my thought on this. I feel so grateful to our beloved Leader, Mrs. Eddy, for this wonderful truth, which is indeed "a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel."—Mobile, Ala.