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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science found me...

From the October 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science found me when earthly hope and help were gone. My case was dementia, or insanity. I was a Bible student from my youth, and had committed to memory hundreds of Scriptural verses. I was reared a Lutheran, but was never satisfied with my religion, and went from church to church, until I attached myself to the Pentecostal people. I thought they must be right, since they spoke in other tongues. We prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Ghost sometimes until after midnight.

Under the influence of these meetings, I became a better man. I was seeking Truth. I gave up tobacco, and consecrated myself to God. But I could not agree with my brethren on the question of a hell of fire and brimstone, and this variance from my brethren excited me. I still believed that Christ would come to redeem us, and that it was my duty to warn the people to prepare for the great event. With others, I went out on the streets and preached. About this time I lost my reason, and three days later, found myself in an asylum for the insane. Thoughts which came to me while there, however, became a new light to me; my mind cleared; from day to day understanding returned to me, and in a short time thereafter I was sent home as fully recovered. But a shadow was over me yet, and did not depart until Christian Science became my physician.

Soon after I returned home, my daughter brought me a Christian Science Sentinel and requested me to read it. When I saw what it was, I directed her to put it into the stove. She insisted, however, that I read it. More out of curiosity than desire, I commenced reading the testimonies therein, and the refreshing of the Lord came to me like morning dew. I continued to read, and later secured the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, and read it day and night. As I read, the last mental shadow was dissipated, and God's light of reason returned fully to me. That was almost eighteen years ago, and I bless God for the continuing light. No word or pen of mine can express my gratitude for the blessings brought to me and to my family by Christian Science.

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