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Testimonies of Healing

Words are inadequate to express...

From the October 1925 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Words are inadequate to express my gratitude for the many blessings that have come to me through Christian Science. On page 392 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy says: "Stand porter at the door of thought. Admitting only such conclusions as you wish realized in bodily results, you will control yourself harmoniously."

In the spring of 1920 I was healed of a very severe case of inflammatory rheumatism and a nervous breakdown. At this time I was working in a large downtown office, holding a responsible position. Due to the fact that I was younger than some of the girls who were under my supervision, jealousy, envy, and hate crept in. Accepting these erroneous thoughts into my consciousness and not standing "porter at the door of thought," I soon found myself failing in health and unable to continue my work. For some time I struggled along trying to overcome the error to the best of my understanding of God, but instead of improving I failed rapidly, and was confined to my bed with inflammatory rheumatism. Self-pity filled my thoughts to a large extent. A practitioner was then called to help. Relatives and friends not interested in Christian Science took great interest in my condition. They advised medical aid, and as they were of the opinion that tuberculosis was my trouble they sent a visiting nurse to investigate the case. The Christian Science practitioner was present at the time, and very kindly informed the nurse that such was not the case and that I was receiving proper care. After that there was no further interference. With faithful and persistent effort every phase of error was conquered, and I was restored to perfect health, much to the surprise of many. My employer had expressed the thought that he never expected to see me return to my work. This is only one of the many healings I have had in Christian Science.

I am most grateful for membership in one of the branch churches and for the work which I have been called upon to do. Each day brings additional cause for gratitude to God, to Christ Jesus, and to Mrs. Eddy, who has again revealed the truth to mankind.—

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