"Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice," wrote Paul to the Philippians. I have abundant reason to obey this exhortation; for Christian Science has lifted me from the miry clay of material beliefs, and has shown me the path to spiritual understanding. For a number of years I have depended on the divine Mind to lead me out of my difficulties, to show me how to solve my problems, and to heal diseased conditions. As I look back over this guidance and deliverance, I can truly say with the prophet, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." Surely His ways are wonderful, and His words contain balm for all the troubles that beset mankind.
A few months ago I was using a hand drill to make a hole in a piece of very hard wood, which I was holding in my left hand. Suddenly the slender steel drill broke under the heavy pressure, and the free end struck the third finger of my left hand squarely on the nail, piercing a hole through it and nearly through my finger. I was about to dress for my work at the desk at the Wednesday evening testimony meeting. As the case seemed too urgent for me to handle alone, I asked help from a Christian Scientist who was in the next room. Work was lovingly done, with such definite understanding of Truth that I felt no throbbing pain and was enabled to conduct the meeting. The incipient swelling disappeared entirely before bedtime. I slept without interruption that night and did not suffer any inconvenience. The nail continued its usual normal growth instead of being lost, as so often happens as the result of a severe blow.
I am genuinely and profoundly grateful to our beloved Leader for her message to mankind, and for the boundless good it has done and is doing in the destruction of false beliefs among men.—Brooklyn, New York.