I am so grateful for the many proofs of God's ever present love and careful guidance of His children which the study of Christian Science has revealed, that I wish to express my gratitude through the periodicals which have been such a help to me.
Christian Science came to my attention about five years ago while I was training in a medical hospital. I read "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy. After reading the book I did not think I had gained much more than a great desire to read it again; and I did so. With this reading its pages were illumined, and I realized that I had found the truth for which I had long been searching. Soon after this I found I had been completely healed of chronic constipation. This healing had not been sought, as I had considered it incurable, but was the natural result of better thinking, which inevitably follows the unprejudiced reading of our revered Leader's works.
At this time I was very nervous, seemingly the result of a great sorrow. For six years this sorrow had grown harder to bear, although I had devoted my life to church work and finally to nursing, hoping that a busy life would fill the gap. But all of these failed to bring peace. The right understanding of God and of man's relation to Him which I have gained through the study of Christian Science, and the patient and loving help of a faithful practitioner, have freed me from this condition of nerves, so called by the medical profession, for which physicians admit they can do little.