I did not accept Christian Science on account of any physical healing of my own; but after witnessing the healing of my mother of blood poisoning through Christian Science, when she seemed to be very near death's door, I was convinced that this must be the same truth taught by Christ Jesus. This was twenty-two years ago, and my mother is still living. It was the first time I ever heard of Christian Science. At once I purchased a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, and began reading it. I had no thought of studying it for bodily healing, for I did not feel the need of help along that line; but I had been longing for something that I had never before found.
To-day, as the mother of seven children, I am deeply grateful to God, to Christ Jesus, and to that good woman, the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science, for the many blessings that have come to me and mine through its teachings. Some years ago my boy, then three years of age, met with an accident in which the end of his finger was entirely severed between the nail and the first joint. The end of the finger was not put back. I tied the rest of the finger up and asked for Christian Science treatment, which was lovingly given; and not only was the finger healed of the cut, but it grew out perfectly with a new nail. To-day he is a young man, and no one could ever tell that he had had a bit of his finger cut off. There is not the slightest defect. From that day to this I have not used a material remedy. Christian Science has been our only physician. My youngest child is now ten years of age, and he has never spent one day in bed on account of illness.
We have had many beautiful healings in our home through Christian Science. Among the number may be mentioned dislocated ankle, instantaneously healed; influenza, rheumatism, whooping cough, measles, colds, and other ailments overcome. I cannot find words to tell how great a help Christian Science has been to me in rearing a large family and meeting the many financial problems that have arisen. It has carried me over what the world would call great sorrow and grief.