I wish to express my gratitude for the privilege of being a student of Christian Science. Christian Science declares, without equivocation, that the truth taught by Jesus, when rightly understood and applied, is sufficient to heal the sick, destroy discord, and establish peace. It teaches its followers to adhere constantly to the truth about reality, about the omnipresence and omnipotence of God, good, thereby denying either presence or power to evil. It has given its students a satisfactory understanding of what God really is, and has made plain the relation of man to his creator.
In the summer of 1922, while I was away on my vacation, eczema manifested itself on my hand. However, I went to work immediately, as we are taught to do in Christian Science, to realize the allness of God and the nothingness of matter. In a few days the hand was healed. I was also very thankful for the sense of protection I felt while traveling on the railroads during the time of a strike; also while driving over the mountains where some of the road was very narrow and to mortal sense dangerous, thus again proving that man is ever under the care and protection of infinite divine Love.
I am always thankful for all the good I get from the Wednesday evening testimony meetings. Very often these words from one of our familiar hymns come to me: