It is with a great deal of gratitude that I tell of my first healing in Christian Science. I had been sick for a long time, and after an examination by two doctors was told that I had cancer of the stomach. One doctor said I could not live a year without an operation. He also told me that I might not live through the operation, as my heart was very weak and I might not awake after the ether.
My sisters were all Christian Scientists, so I decided to ask a practitioner for help. After my first visit to a practitioner I never had any more of the violent pains or the terrible attacks of vomiting. I could eat anything I wanted. Before trying Christian Science, I was not allowed to eat anything but bread and milk, with some sort of white powder in it that the doctor gave me. In two weeks I was entirely well.
That was twelve years ago, and I have never had any return of the trouble. Some time after my healing I had occasion to be again examined by a doctor, and he pronounced me a perfectly healthy, normal woman.