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Testimonies of Healing

[Original testimony in German]

Some years ago I suffered from a...

From the November 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Some years ago I suffered from a nervous trouble accompanied by melancholy, from which I was not relieved, in spite of the kindest efforts on the part of renowned specialists. One of these physicians advised me to consult an especially renowned physician for nervous complaints. After trying many experiments without any result, this physician endeavored to cure me by means of hypnotism, but without any success. A "magnetic healer," whom I later consulted, was also unsuccessful in his effort to cure me. My own will power, with which I had been in the habit of opposing every case of sickness, gave me at times power over my body; but I was soon forced to realize that it relieved me only for a short time, and could not free me from my complaint. My mental disorder grew worse, and the attacks more serious, so that fear—which played a great part in my life—of the next attack made me wish to end my earthly existence. However, the good God (in whom I had long since refused to admit there was any sense of justice) knew how to prevent me from doing so at the critical moment by reminding me of my children.

Thus I continued to suffer until a Christian Scientist informed me about Christian Science treatment. Doubting, yet reaching out for the cup of cold water which was given me in Christ's name, I called upon a Christian Science practitioner. But I was then neither able nor ready to accept the Christ, Truth. After two more years of seeking and wandering from one thing to another I again went to the practitioner. For the second time the Father-Mother God and our relation to Him were lovingly revealed to me. I still had many remonstrances to offer, for I wanted to see clearly. The practitioner refuted all my arguments, however, and I was now ready to believe joyfully. Then error began to suggest that I was taking things too seriously, and that religious mania would be the result. But the confidence with which the practitioner knew how to meet this sinister fear quieted me, and instantaneously freed me from this mental agony. I was able to venture farther on my upward flight, but my wings proved to be very weak, and I went only step by step, forward, upward.

By studying the Christian Science Bible Lessons and the authorized Christian Science literature, I was gradually able to break completely through the mist which surrounded me, hiding from me the light of Truth. To-day, thanks to the teachings of Christian Science, I am perfectly healed. I am profoundly grateful that I am able to go the way of Christian Science—the way from sense to Soul—with my husband and children, and that I am able to work out some of my own problems.

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