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[Written for the Journal]


From the April 1926 issue of The Christian Science Journal

We fervently pray: Dear Lord, ever lead
In ways thou wouldst have us to go.
And with a glad song
We journey along,
Where gently the calm waters flow.

But when some mountain He bids us ascend,
By path that is rugged and steep,
We fearfully say:
Dear Lord, not this way;
Let us close by calm waters keep!

Then He so tenderly whispers: Be still,
And let not your hearts be afraid;
I am with you alway,
By night and by day;
Then why should you e'er be dismayed?

And when, by the grace of His infinite love,
At last on the summit we rest,
And before us unfold
The glories untold,
We know that His way was the best.

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