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Testimonies of Healing

When Christian Science was ...

From the January 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When Christian Science was presented to me, about nineteen years ago, by a dear friend who had been healed through the application of this blessed truth, it proved indeed to be God's opportunity; for I seemed to have reached the point where I was without hope or God in the world. It seemed as if I was afflicted with almost every ill that "flesh is heir to," and burdened with a deep sense of sorrow almost beyond endurance.

I had spent some time in a hospital, having had a serious operation for severe internal trouble, which left me in a worse condition than before; and I had had treatments from seven physicians but received little if any benefit. Then I started taking X-ray treatments from a woman physician. One day, while taking treatments, I remarked to her that my friend had wished me to have Christian Science treatment; and to my surprise she said: "If I were you I would do that very thing. Doctors and medicine can never heal you: we can only relieve your mind by knowing that we are trying to do something for you." The next day I called on a Christian Science practitioner and asked for treatments. These were lovingly given; and "thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ," with the first treatment I was healed of disease of the stomach, after a specialist had said he had never known a cure for a case like mine. I had been taking only liquid food for some time and suffering severely even when I took that. After the Christian Science treatment I went home and ate a hearty dinner, with no bad results whatever. "He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Heart trouble, nervous prostration, lung trouble, insomnia, hemorrhoids, all disappeared. As I gained a better understanding of Truth, I also found that sorrow is not the controller of joy.

Since taking up the study of Christian Science I have had blessings too numerous to mention. I was healed within three days of influenza in its severest form, with the loving help of a practitioner. One day I accidentally placed my hand in a pan of hot lard, burning it very severely. The pain was destroyed in about fifteen minutes and the hand gave me no more trouble, all evidence of the burn disappearing in less than a week. For all these blessings I am profoundly grateful. But I am most grateful for a better understanding of God, and for Mrs. Eddy's unselfed sacrifice in bringing this understanding to suffering humanity.

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