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From the January 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The spiritual illumination which Christian Science throws upon the nature and office of angels not only opens, with new meaning, the Scriptural records of these celestial influences, but also brings comfort to Christian Scientists, by showing that all who in some measure understand divine Mind may realize the companionship and the protecting guidance of angels. No longer does one who understands the teachings of Christian Science superstitiously think of angels as semimaterial beings whose visitations are, possibly, more to be dreaded than desired. Rather does one strive so to hold his every thought in unity with divine Love that he may at all times be as certain of the surrounding presence of divine intelligence and power as was Elisha when he prayed that the eyes of his servant might be opened to clearer spiritual perception.

The mission of God's angels is always good, because these spiritual messengers communicate only those qualities and powers which represent God, divine Mind. Mortal sense, however, can have no cognizance of these spiritual impartations, for the simple reason that materiality is that which, in belief, prevents recognition of God's presence and power. But mortal sense can be subdued through the understanding of divine reality: and upon every conquest of sense testimony, angels may be recognized in the attendant comfort and heavenly ministration, as evidenced in Jesus' experience in the wilderness, when he conquered, through spiritual understanding, the fundamental errors of mortal belief.

The Apostle John was undoubtedly familiar with the Scriptural record of the appearance and benign influence of angels. Having received from Jesus the spiritual interpretation of the Scriptures, and having perceived the mighty significance of Jesus' words and works, he was enabled finally to rise to such spiritual altitude that he saw the magnitude of the work that was to be accomplished for the human race through the understanding of the truth Jesus revealed. The message and the ministry of the truth, he saw as an angel, saying of it, as recorded in Revelation, "I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: and he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth."

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