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Testimonies of Healing

Christian Science came into my...

From the October 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christian Science came into my life about twelve years ago, and the outlook that I have had since then I would not exchange for any price, nor would I go back to the old way of living. Christian Science has changed me from a semi-invalid, into one who knows there is only one Mind; and when we are obedient and try to have the Mind that was in Christ Jesus, all our difficulties fade away into their native nothingness.

I was healed of leakage of the heart before I had ever seen the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy; and when I expressed my gratitude to the practitioner she said, "Do not thank me, but thank God." This was my first awakening to what Christian Science meant. I thought it was most wonderful that the practitioner took no credit to herself. Soon after this I borrowed a copy of our textbook from a dear sister and read it from start to finish. It seemed as if I read and read and it was only words. Finally I became conscious that I had been healed of catarrh which I had had for fifteen years. Since then I have had many, many healings. One of the most recent has been a healing by mental surgery. I dislocated my knee cap and had someone in the house call a practitioner. In less than an hour the knee cap went back into place. I shall never forget this experience. For this demonstration I am extremely grateful, as it showed me so clearly that God can heal all our diseases.

I am also very grateful that God has given me the strength and protection to be the breadwinner for my family for the past four years. Our Father knows what we have need of even before we ask Him. Words fail to express all I owe to Christian Science, and I sincerely hope that I may let my light shine so that I may help others. I am indeed grateful to our Father-Mother God, to Jesus, the Way-shower, to our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, and to the dear practitioners who are ever ready to help us even in the wee small hours of the morning. I am very grateful for the little understanding I have of Christian Science.—

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