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From the October 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The gentle message of Christianity has been ringing down the centuries, finding expression from time to time in the utterance of inspired men and women, whose pure, noble lives enabled them to discern the secret of the everlasting verities. What a reward for their purity, for their unselfed lives, to be able to perceive that which sensuality and sin alone can claim to hide, that which is unchanging—the truth about God and man!

All Christians know that Christ Jesus, the Way-shower, attained heights which towered above all materiality. He lived in this world, being faced with the difficulties, trials, and temptations which beset other men, yet throughout his entire earthly career he was never less than God's faithful representative, witnessing even in the darkest hour to his heavenly Father. Thus he triumphed over everything that would have hindered his glorious unselfed mission.

To our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, no sacrifice was too great, no task too formidable, whereby she might win the power and ability to lift the veil of materiality from humanity. Through her devotion Christian Scientists are hearing to-day the tender, importunate call of the Christ. Gladly they hasten to follow in the path she trod, knowing full well the necessity of mounting higher and higher mentally, day by day; for nothing short of the altitude of perfection is their goal. In experiencing the joys of this new-found outlook on life, the student discovers that heaven is indeed at hand; and with renewed inspiration he presses on, and thanks God for the manifest blessings so abundantly showered on mankind.

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