Has error stripped you of your coat of many hues,
And sold you to the passing Midianites?
Then, comrade, keep your faith; you cannot lose
Those visions dear of Truth, your guardian lights.
Mayhap you'll live to feed a multitude;
Forgive, and turn your brethren from their wrong;
To see the years of leanness turn to good,
A father's mourning wail become a song.
Those first faint beams in time will shine in power
Upon the road our Way-shower trod in deed,
Who, while he lifted burdens of the hour,
Was visioning forth that all mankind be freed.
'T is ours to weave the new-old vesture bright
With which to clothe ourselves, and all, in light.

[Written for the Journal]
From the February 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal