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From the February 1927 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE oneness of Mind is the scientific basis of cooperation among Christian Scientists and the foundation of spiritual organization. Mrs. Eddy, in this age the chosen messenger of "the new covenant" of Love, sought to gather those awakened to the true knowledge of God into the shelter of one fold, and to this end provided ways and modes to correspond with the nature of the revelation which had come to her, and which was arousing slumberers in materiality to a higher sense of God as Life.


A privilege for which many students of Christian Science to-day express gratitude is class instruction. This was one of the earliest opportunities afforded to gain a correct sense of God as divine Principle, which Mrs. Eddy was making known out of her own experience. In the extension and continuation of this method, groups of students all over the world are electing to go beneath the surface in their search for reality. Not satisfied merely to read and individually profit by that which they thus learn, they are inspired by a moral demand to come out and do the works which the Science of metaphysical healing makes possible in a complete and definite system.

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