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Testimonies of Healing

One morning when relatives had...

From the November 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

One morning when relatives had returned home from a vacation trip and a great deal of visiting was being done, a sense of suffering presented itself to my thought, and later the word "mastoid" kept coming to me. The manifestation became greatly aggravated during the afternoon, and about six o'clock a Christian Science practitioner was called. This was on Tuesday night. On Thursday the same difficulty presented itself in the other ear. The sense of pain seemed very real, but by Saturday evening I felt I could prepare the evening meal for my family. When it was time to start the meal, I realized that I was healed. My hearing was normal, strength regained, pain and swelling gone.

We have had many wonderful demonstrations of the healing power of Christian Science, among them uremic poisoning at childbirth. This was manifested in the child too, but he also was healed. He is now sixteen years old, and has never had a drop of medicine. Stone in the kidney, influenza so severe that the patient was delirious, were healed in one day and a night. I am most grateful for a quite unusual demonstration. Our boy had a handful of black pepper thrown in his eyes. I had always felt so helpless about eyes, and I turned completely to God, with the prayer that He would guide me. This was another complete and quick healing, because we had no resentment or anger to meet; for we understood that the pepper had been thrown in a spirit of fun.

Our healings have not always been quick, but when we faithfully and scientifically apply the law of God, as taught in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we always feel God's love and care guiding upward. I am most grateful for our beloved Leader, who proved pure and faithful enough to reveal the truth that frees mankind from all forms of bondage. I am grateful for the understanding Science and Health is giving me of God as Father-Mother. Slowly, but surely, this wonderful truth is teaching me the meaning of the Golden Rule, freeing my thought from fear, resentment, selfishness, and the like. I am grateful for the Christian Science activities, for through them we are enabled to prove the truth taught in Science and Health.— .

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