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[Written for the Journal]


From the August 1928 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Heal the sick," our Master said,
"Cleanse the lepers, raise the dead;"
Brother-man, are we obeying,
Are we full attention paying,
Humbly, reverently praying,
You and I?

Works that I do ye can do,
Jesus said to me, to you;
Are we following in his wake?
Do we all for Christ forsake,
Sacrifice and offering make,
You and I?

Dwellers in eternal Mind,
Let us our true selfhood find,
Spiritual, free from sin;
Brother-man, we thus begin
Peace and healing power to win,
You and I!

When for us our Father's love
Fills all space, below, above,
We, in consciousness divine,
Truly yours, and truly mine,
Shall as His reflection shine,
You and I!

*Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,by Mary Baker Eddy,page 450.

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