When I first attended a Christian Science church it was not for physical healing, but rather to encourage a friend who had been given up by the doctors. The beauty of this religion slowly dawned on me, and after several months I decided to seek help from a Christian Science practitioner for a physical disorder to relieve which I had resorted to drugs daily. Help was lovingly given. The disorder, a so-called chronic one, was slow in yielding, and the test a severe one, but having put my hand to the plow I was given the strength to hold on, and the healing came.
Many times since, when put to stronger tests, I have expressed gratitude for my first experience, for I realized the healing was to be had if I sought it with my whole heart. For over twenty-three years Christian Science has met my every need. There have been times when I have had reason to be most grateful for the steadfast, clear, and consecrated work of loving practitioners who, when the "clouds of sense" seemed very real, were ever ready to hold me lovingly, yet firmly, to the truth.
My son, when but three years of age, was healed of pleuro-pneumonia and intestinal poisoning; later, at the age of five, of convulsions. All of the so-called children's difficulties were overcome through this teaching.