After over five years of earnest study of Christian Science, during which time I have experienced many healings, both spiritual and physical, I feel I must express my heartfelt gratitude for this beautiful truth, so lovingly and unselfishly given to us by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy.
Christian Science was brought to my notice at a time when I had visions of becoming a semi-invalid, owing to a serious nervous complaint which threatened to deprive me of the use of my right arm. I had been in government service for nearly ten years, but on the advice of a physician had resigned my position, as he considered I should have a complete rest and keep the arm in a sling for some months. The next eighteen months were spent in trying massage, electrical treatment, nature cures, et cetera, but all without avail. When Christian Science was presented to me I felt that here at last was hope for me. I had treatment from a loving practitioner for three weeks, and immediately felt such an improvement that I was able to take up another position in my former occupation as typist a few months later.
Through my little understanding of Christian Science, and my realization of the ever-presence of divine Love, I have now established my own business, which has been a wonderful demonstration to me that the only business is the Father's business, and that as we give up our own sense of responsibility and accept God as our partner and the head of our affairs, we can safely leave every transaction in His hands and see all things working together for good.