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From the March 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IT has been wisely said that truth is simple and error obscure. Certain it is that some of the simplest of Christ Jesus' statements are also the most profound, containing spiritual truths vital to mankind. Some of his statements may seem paradoxical, as when, after demonstrating his power over the material beliefs of sin, sickness, and death, he said, "I do nothing of myself." These words, however, taken with his saying, "The Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works," reveal the truth that God is the only Mind governing the universe, including man.

When the student of Christian Science once glimpses the fact that there is but one infinite intelligence, one Mind, God, who governs all, he begins to give up his belief in a mind or selfhood apart from God. Very soon he realizes that the finite sense of life or mind, supposed to revolve in an orbit of its own, can seem to exist only as a dream: not being governed by God, divine Mind, it cannot exist in the realm of the real, and is therefore without Principle or authority for its support. This realization is the outcome of a glorious awakening to a more abundant life, not a material, but a spiritual sense of life which reflects God. How many false beliefs that have enslaved mankind for centuries are overcome with this understanding! It admits of no belief in separation from God, the source of all good and, therefore, of no lack. It demonstrates the perfection of man, leaving no ability to sin; for as Mrs. Eddy asks on page 470 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," "How can good lapse into evil, when God, the Mind of man, never sins?" Christian Science thus reveals one divine consciousness, which includes all creation and governs all harmoniously, having no sense of discord.

The Christian Scientist finds more and more harmony manifest in his life, as through spiritual understanding he reflects divine Mind, and lets God govern his daily activities. Manifold fears which before enslaved him, fears of sickness, sin, and death, are overcome as he regards them in the light of the truth which shows them as unreal beliefs, arising from a misunderstanding of God's creation, not as the stern realities which the material senses would have us believe them to be. Through many arguments the serpent, material sense, would perpetuate the understanding which, by claiming that life and mind are in matter, hides the truth that man reflects the divine Mind, and is therefore governed and controlled by the divine Principle of all harmony. Falsely claiming an opposite to infinite good, this serpent declares, "Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." But finite belief never attained to the realm of reality, and can seem to exist only to material sense that knows not God, and is ignorant of spiritual existence.

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