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From the March 1929 issue of The Christian Science Journal

IN all human history there have been no more wonderful occasions than the gatherings in the various sections of Palestine of the disciples and the multitudes who came to hear the Master deliver his teachings, which were the basis for Christianity.

Sometimes on these occasions the great Nazarene was seated on high ground; at other times he spoke from a boat on the lakeside, or in the fields and by the waysides. Through the power of Truth, Jesus drew to him the great multitudes who were eager to hear the words of wisdom, power, comfort, and assurance which proceeded from the mouth of him who spoke as never one had spoken before. They were glad to listen to one made famous by his healing works, by his marvelous gentleness of manner, and by the grandeur of his wisdom, all uniting to make his utterances wonderfully convincing and winsome.

On one of these occasions when the people were receptive, Jesus turned his address to the subject of prayer. From his pure understanding he taught them how to pray to the Father in secret, and gave them the words of his prayer—the Lord's Prayer.

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