I had been suffering for years, so intensely at times that I was given morphine tablets, until I could not, as it then seemed to me, endure without them; and the more I took the more it seemed I must have. I do not remember the time when I did not try to live as a Christian and study the Bible, and I tried to trust God to help me and heal me; but I would become very much discouraged, and life seemed dark and fearful at times. Mentally and physically I seemed a wreck.
I had one little boy, and I prayed God to spare me to him, and, if He would give me strength and support, I would rise from my bed and throw those tablets into the stove and forever trust Him. This I did, and never once since then have I used any medicine. The way seemed slow and hard at times, but I would cling to God and my Bible, and pray for understanding to be healed entirely. At this time I first learned of Christian Science.
For a year I read some Christian Science literature and received some understanding, and gained in health; then one day my spiritual vision was opened as never before. I was also made acquainted with a dear practitioner, who has since led me so kindly and so patiently in the way of Truth. For over fifteen years I have been stepmother to four children. We live on a farm and have stock and poultry. We have trusted God as our physician at all times, and we have had much joy and happiness.