Occasionally Christian Science churches, with the generous desire to contribute to some one of the funds in The Mother Church, have appropriated from a building fund or other fund contributed and received for a particular purpose. Possibly the members making the appropriation have not been aware of legal requirements applicable to the disbursing of a fund which has been given for a special purpose. It is according to the law of trusts that a fund so contributed must be used for the purpose specified by the donors, and not diverted to another purpose unless with their permission; and any country or state may have laws governing the manner in which and by what percentage of the donors this permission must be expressed. Therefore, a church wishing to use for some other purpose a portion of a fund which has been contributed for a special purpose, should be sure to comply with all legal requirements.
[As published in the Christian Science Sentinel, September 27, 1930]
Beginning with 1931, there will be published quarterly an edition of The Herald of Christian Science in the Dutch language with alternate pages in English. Members of The Mother Church engaged in Christian Science healing who are familiar with these languages may apply for practitioners' cards in the new periodical. Applications for cards can be obtained from The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Department of Branches and Practitioners, 206 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Applicants should be able to speak and write both Dutch and English. The annual rate for a practitioner's card will be $1.00 a line. The subscription price for the new Herald will be $1.00 a year.