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From the November 1930 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE test of a religion is whether it satisfies human needs; and Christian Science meets this demand because it leads thought to the one creator, God, infinite divine Love, in whom all true needs are already met. Consider, for example, the universal human need for happiness. Dissatisfaction over physical surroundings, associates, prospects, working conditions, or the events and routine of daily living, all seem to detract from the sense of happiness. In (p. 57)"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mary Baker Eddy writes, "Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love." Whatever is spiritual is of God.

That which is spiritual is diametrically opposed to that which is material. These are two distinct states. God is not in matter; and since the five physical senses are mortal and temporal, they cannot perceive God. The human eye is blinded by the strength and brilliance of the rays of even the material sun;so it would be unreasonable to expect it to behold the sublime images of Spirit and Truth.

God, Spirit, is perceived through the spiritual senses. He is All-in-all, and is comprehended only by the spiritual faculties. Through them He is loved, obeyed, and adored, He who alone is Life, Truth, and Love. "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made;" hence all things which are creations of Spirit are like God— spiritual, and ever manifesting good. He is the source of eternal harmony, and happiness is a manifestation of harmony.

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