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From the October 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

ON page 457 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" Mrs. Eddy writes: "The Scientist's demonstration rests on one Principle, and there must and can be no opposite rule. Let this Principle be applied to the cure of disease without exploiting other means." Our Leader's words are emphatic. She had discovered Christian Science, and this enabled her to heal through spiritual means. The divine Principle had been revealed to her along with the rules for its application, and after thoroughly testing the truth of her discovery by healing sickness and sin, she could take the steadfast stand she did on the side of Principle, and encourage her followers to do the same.

What is the divine Principle Mrs. Eddy discovered? Divine Principle is God. It was revealed to her that God is Spirit, Soul, Mind, Life, Truth, Love, Principle; and that Principle is the only cause. Being infinite, Principle is all-inclusive; and since Principle is all-inclusive cause, it embraces all real effect. Since Principle is Mind, Principle must express itself in ideas; so that the universe consists solely of spiritual ideas, including the compound idea, man. Thus, briefly, Christian Science reveals the true nature of being, showing that it consists of the perfect and infinite Principle, God, and an infinite number of spiritual ideas, including individual spiritual man.

The basis of demonstration in Christian Science, then, whereby sin is forgiven—destroyed—and disease healed, is the knowledge of divine Principle and its perfect creation. Mrs. Eddy says (ibid.,p. 259), "The Christlike understanding of scientific being and divine healing includes a perfect Principle and idea, —perfect God and perfect man,—as the basis of thought and demonstration."

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