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From the October 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What is our Church? A habitation pure
Which, set apart
From all the cares and worries of the heart,
A refuge is; for all our ills a cure.

Where is our Church? In consciousness divine
Where perfect Mind,
Serene and sure with Truth and Love entwined,
The Builder is, of structure fair and fine.

Why is our Church? To lift mankind above
The mortal sense,
That trackless waste of desolation dense,
That we may rise and live in Truth and Love.

When will our Church unfold its outlines fair?
As righteous thought
Subdues false sense and rests the image wrought
By perfect Mind on Principle foursquare.

Then will our Church appear to all mankind,
And men behold
The healing Christ, one Shepherd and one fold,
One God, one law, the nations one in Mind.

*Inspired by the definition of "Church" given in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, page 583.

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