I should like to express my deep gratitude for all the good that has come to us through the application of Christian Science. I have been healed in one treatment of a very severe headache, which had lasted four days, and instantaneously of a fainting spell. A form of blood poisoning, with acute irritation, seemed rather slow to yield, but through the patient work of a practitioner it was entirely overcome by Truth.
One winter, while crossing the street, I slipped and fell on my back, my head striking the ground twice. I immediately declared the presence of God and repeated "the scientific statement of being," as given in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy (p. 468), and in a few moments was able to go on my way feeling quite well. I am so grateful for the knowledge of God's loving protection at all times, of which Christian Science teaches us.
Many other blessings have come to us, including a home, as well as work in which I am able to gain a better understanding of God. Our church services and the literature are a constant source of inspiration and help. I am also very grateful for membership in The Mother Church. —Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.