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From the August 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

To greet the gray dawn with a smile and say,
Father, I thank Thee for another day,
For the calm hours of a reposeful night
Marked by Thy grace and guarded by Thy might;
To store each glint of sun and leave no room
Within a joy-filled heart for grief or gloom,
Seeking the sky in every dancing brook
And scent of violet in sheltered nook;
To hear God's voice amid the city's hum,
Where sense seems paramount and goodness dumb,
Marking each day by growth of grace within,
By healed conditions and forsaken sin;
To make a barren life one harvest field
Of God's abundance, by our prayers revealed;
To stretch out hands and cry, Ah! God is here,
There is no loneliness, or want, or fear;
To make the evening bright with thanks and say,
Father, I thank Thee for another day!

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