Gratitude for all the good that Christian Science has brought me prompts me to add my testimony to the many which are forthcoming from grateful hearts all over the world. I have had many healings in Christian Science, but will give account of those which to human sense seem the most remarkable, in the hope of giving someone else courage.
I was healed of ptomaine poisoning after three days' absent treatment from a practitioner in Wichita, Kansas. My daughter called the practitioner in the evening over the telephone. Words cannot express the sense of joy and freedom which was mine as I awoke in the stillness of the morning and realized the healing presence of God.
I am also grateful for the protection received when we passed through the experience of a cyclone. The roof was lifted from our home, and timbers and debris flew all about us. How grateful we were to prove the promises of the Scripture that God was not in the whirlwind. After the elements had quieted, we realized the protection of God and heard the "still small voice" of Truth. My family and I were repeating the ninety-first Psalm during the storm; and we were truly dwelling "in the secret place of the most High," as we were untouched by the destruction around us.