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Testimonies of Healing

The opportunity of expressing my...

From the August 1931 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The opportunity of expressing my sincere gratitude to God, our dear heavenly Father, protector, and guide, is indeed a cause for joy.

One day, while I was walking through a store, my attention was attracted to a certain display. The stairway was dark at this particular place in the store, and I walked directly off into space, falling down the entire length of stairs. The heel of one shoe was taken off and other belongings were strewn about. I was picked up by the manager and led to a quiet part of the basement. He offered to send for medical aid, but I refused, and began at once to correct my thinking, realizing to the best of my ability the allness of God and His love. I saw that I was able to move about, and found there were no bones broken. I went home by taxi, and remained quiet for some time. I gained a restfulness of mind and body sufficient to meet and converse with those present, and quietly related the occurrence. That night I called for help from a Christian Science practitioner and was able with her loving help and the understanding of God's omnipotence to sleep comfortably. I am most grateful for the assistance given me by the practitioner. Help was asked for once or twice after that, as the end of the spine seemed to be affected. This difficulty, however, was beautifully overcome.

I am grateful to Mary Baker Eddy for discovering this way to meet the problems of life—looking understandingly to Principle, God, for support—and also for teaching us how to know the reality of Soul, Spirit, and the nothingness of matter. I am also deeply grateful for being able to get away somewhat from self— self-love and sensitiveness—through the understanding of Christian Science.—

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