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From the August 1933 issue of The Christian Science Journal

So long, it seems, I've waited, Lord,
So wearily the days pass by,
And still my demonstration lags—
Wilt Thou not hear and heed my cry?

All day I read Thy promises,
All night I lift my prayer to Thee,
Yet error's claim seems unrelieved,
And still no answer comes to me.

I know Thy truth is ever near,
And is omnipotent, supreme;
What is the needful thing I lack
To break this erring mortal dream?

"Poor suffering one, why struggle so?
Mine is the battle; thine the peace
That victory brings. Rest in My love
And know the joy of pain's surcease.

"All your vain struggles to be free,
The weary path your feet have trod,
Could never bring release from pain—
'Be still, and know that I am God'!"

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