I wish to give my testimony as to the benefits received by me through connection with the Christian Science movement.
Some time ago I endured great suffering through high blood presure, and was also told by doctors that I had an injury to the heart, for which I was informed nothing could be done. About this time my attention was drawn to Christian Science and I was persuaded to visit a practitioner. Physical healing commenced almost immediately, and with it came an increasing appreciation of the great spiritual truths on which that healing is based.
Realizing daily that God is Love, and that He lovingly created all things perfect, and maintains this perfect state, I have been led into right thinking and a greater knowledge of the divine truth which has healed me, and which keeps me spiritually and physically in harmony with the infinite Love and infinite power which is God.
For this realization I must express gratitude and thanks to Christian Science, and I desire to do all in my power to help others to health and a knowledge of this truth.— Wellington, New Zealand.