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Testimonies of Healing

Because of the many blessings...

From the March 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Because of the many blessings my family and I have received since taking up the study of Christian Science, I am writing this testimony as an expression of gratitude. Christian Science has been the only physician in our home for more than fourteen years, and the understanding of God which I have gained through the study of the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, together with the Bible, has been sufficient to meet my every need.

It was in 1922, when I was confined in a government sanitarium for the treatment of tuberculosis, contracted as a result of my experience in the World War, that Christian Science was presented to me. At that time I was satisfied with the treatment I was receiving and refused the help of a Christian Science practitioner. The examining physician gave me no hope that I would ever recover, yet I was so prejudiced against what I thought Christian Science to be that I would have nothing to do with it. A few weeks later I suffered an alarming relapse, during which I had several hemorrhages of the lungs. That experience proved again that "man's extremity is God's opportunity," for I turned to Christian Science for help. The improvement in my condition was immediate and sure, and from that day to this I have never had a recurrence of these attacks.

A short time after beginning the study of Christian Science, I had a very encouraging proof that "Truth has a healing effect, even when not fully understood" (Science and Health, p. 152). I had been reading the textbook but a few weeks when, in the small hours of the night, I awoke feeling the symptoms of an approaching hemorrhage. During my study of the textbook I had memorized "the scientific statement of being," found on page 468, and, although I little understood it, I repeated this over and over until I felt the symptoms disappear. This incident was repeated on several occasions during succeeding nights, and finally these attacks ceased to come, and they have never returned.

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